A brief introduction to the plot of The Broken Tomb...
Strange supernatural phenomena continue to occur in a wealthy American family, prompting them to seek the help of the young wizard Hualin (played by Kim GaoYin) and Fengji (played by Li Daohan), both famous among the wizards.
After arriving at the location, Hualin and Fengji rescue a newborn baby and realize that the dark shadow of their ancestors is descending upon the family.
Hualin and Fengji continue their investigation and seek help from the best feng shui master Shangde (played by Cui Minzhi) and the undertaker Ronggen (played by Liu Haizhen) to dispel the ancestral curse. Surprisingly, the grave is discovered in a remote village in South Korea, and eventually it is broken. However, as the tomb is broken, the ominous aura beneath the grave begins to erupt...
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