Plot Summary
The story of "The Body Bag" is set in a working-class community in Casablanca. Father Hassan and son Sam live in poverty and have to make ends meet by completing small illegal transactions for the local gang. One night, they receive a kidnapping task. After capturing the target, they throw him into the trunk, only to find out that he suffocated to death. Their task then becomes to dispose of the body before dawn, which proves to be a challenging feat. A long and dangerous night unfolds as they navigate through the city's slums, trying to find a way to handle the body properly. To secure their survival and freedom, they must overcome numerous obstacles.
The Body Bag.Les.meutes.2023.1080p.WEB-DL.DualAudio.mkv Click here to save, or copy this text, open the "Ali Cloud Disk" APP, and view the video in high speed without downloading.