
贫穷的根源:为何我们难以脱贫 (深度剖析贫穷的形成机制,揭示多方面贫穷真相)


The essence of poverty: Why can't we escape poverty?

The essence of poverty: Why can't we escape poverty

Publication Date: 2023-05-01

Content Introduction:
They were called the burden of the white man, the victims of weak country politics. They are the bottom 1 billion people, living below the poverty line of $0.99 per day. Tens of trillions of dollars in aid have failed to save them from the fire,
They are still trapped in the poverty trap, with an uncertain future...

Why poverty? Why do they buy televisions when they can't afford to eat? Why don't their children love to study even when they go to school? Why do they spend money on medicine instead of enjoying free healthy living? Why can they start a business but struggle to sustain it? Why do most people think microfinance and poor people's banks are useless?

Over the past 15 years, in order to understand why poverty exists and what specific problems it causes, constantly trapping the poor in an inescapable "poverty trap," the two authors have delved into the world of the poor in many countries across five continents, investigating 18 countries and regions where poverty is concentrated, exploring the true roots of poverty from various aspects of the poor's daily life, education, health, entrepreneurship, aid, government, NGOs, and other aspects of life.

At the same time, this book also reflects on some popular views on poverty, such as the more aid the stronger the dependence of the poor, external aid is ineffective, and so on. They point out that most poverty alleviation policies have ended in failure over the years because people's understanding of poverty is not profound enough, and good steel is not used on the edge of the blade. They provide a number of practical suggestions through numerous examples, seeking poverty alleviation solutions that can withstand scrutiny, providing important guidance for policymakers, philanthropists, politicians, and all those who hope to end poverty in the world.

Author Introduction:
Abhijit Banerjee, Ford Foundation International Economics Professor at MIT. Former Director of the Bureau for Economic Analysis and Research, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Econometric Society researcher, Guggenheim Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation researcher, Honorary Advisor to the World Bank and the Indian Government, and many other organizations.

Esther Duflo, Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at MIT; recipient of numerous honors: 2010 John Bates Clark Award, 2009 MacArthur "Genius" Fellowship, one of "Eight Outstanding Economists" by The Economist, one of "One Hundred Influential Thinkers" by Foreign Policy magazine, one of the "40 Under 40" influential business leaders by Fortune magazine in 2010.



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