Welcome to the world of Swallowed Star, a sci-fi animated series from China that premiered in 2020. Follow the journey of humanity in the face of a viral apocalypse, where survival instincts are put to the ultimate test. Explore the evolution of human physical abilities and the rise of martial prowess in the midst of chaos.
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Directed by Leping Shen and starring Qianjing Zhao, Jinze Huang, Zhang Ruoyu, Ying Xie, and more.
Swallowed Star is a thrilling tale of survival and martial arts prowess set in a post-apocalyptic world. Follow the protagonist, Luo Feng, as he embarks on a journey to become a legendary warrior and protect his loved ones from the monstrous threats that plague mankind.
Dive into the epic saga of Swallowed Star as Luo Feng strives to become a formidable warrior in the face of adversity. Can he and his fellow warriors overcome the monstrous threats and safeguard humanity in this apocalyptic world?
Swallowed Star
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