1. "Zootopia" is a 3D animated film produced by Disney, co-directed by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, and Jared Bush, with voice talents from Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Shakira, Idris Elba, J.K. Simmons, and more[1].
2. The story follows Judy, a bunny who strives to achieve her childhood dream of becoming a police officer in a city where all animals live together peacefully. The film was simultaneously released in mainland China and North America on March 4, 2016[1].
In December 2016, "Zootopia" was selected as one of the top ten films by the American Film Institute[2].
2. "Zootopia+" Spin-Off Series
"Zootopia+" is a spin-off series of "Zootopia" launched by Disney, debuting on Disney+ on November 9, 2022[3].
In November 2022, the official Chinese trailer and a large number of stills for "Zootopia+" were released[8].
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